Bộ Điều Khiển Động Cơ Deutronic Tại Việt Nam


Gò Vấp

Bộ điều khiển động cơ Deutronic dựa trên công nghệ bộ điều khiển tốc độ chuyển mạch sin hiện đại. So với đối thủ cạnh tranh, thuật toán điều khiển cực kỳ phức tạp của bộ điều khiển D-SINUS cho phép vận hành mà không cần thêm các cảm biến phức tạp.

Do đó, Bộ điều khiển Deutronic có thể đạt được mức độ đồng bộ hóa cao hơn bằng các dòng pha điều khiển theo hướng trường. Do đặc tính dòng điện sin, hiệu suất được tăng lên và mô-men xoắn tạo ra không đổi trái ngược với chuyển mạch khối.

Gia Tín Phát tự hào là đơn vị chuyên cung cấp Bộ điều khiển động cơ Deutronic tại Việt Nam

Nếu bạn quan tâm đến các dòng sản phẩm như: Bộ chuyển đổi DC Deutronic, Bộ nguồn Deutronic, Hệ thống kiểm tra Deutronic…, hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi để được tư vấn về kĩ thuật cũng như chất lượng và giá cả sản phẩm tốt nhất.


Địa chỉ: 58 Đường số 45, Phường 14, Quận Gò Vấp, TP Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

Phòng kinh doanh:

Sales1: +84.934015234                   Email: sales1@giatinphatvn.com

Sales2: +84.902887912                   Email: sales2@giatinphatvn.com

Model các dòng sản phẩm Bộ điều khiển động cơ Deutronic Việt Nam chuyên sử dụng:

D-Sinus 120
Sensorless, sinusoidal commutated motor controller for a soft, steady and quiet running motor
No torque ripple, high level synchronisation and high starting torque
Up to 95 % efficiency (Controller + Motor)
Low package space

D-Sinus 180
Sensorless, sinusoidal commutated motor controller for a soft, steady and quiet running motor
No torque ripple, high level synchronisation and high starting torque
Up to 95 % efficiency (Controller + Motor)
Low package space

D-Sinus 350
Sensorless, sinusoidal commutated motor controller for a soft, steady and quiet running motor
No torque ripple, high level synchronisation and high starting torque
Up to 95 % efficiency (Controller + Motor)
Low package space

500 Watt
Input 380–500V 3AC (wide range)
Electrical safety: EN61204-7, EN 50178
Certifications: UL508 listed, enclosed type (E204957) CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-01
EMC: EN55011 Class B, EN61000-6-2
Extensive protection for power output: short circuit, no-load, overvoltage, overtemperature
Very low stand-by-power, high efficiency
No inrush current

500 Watt
Wide range input (100–240VAC)
Electrical safety: EN61204-7, EN 50178
EMC: EN55011 Class B, EN61000-6-2
Extensive protection for power output: short circuit, no-load, overvoltage, high temperature
Low stand-by-power
No inrush current
High transient robustness
High-precision output voltage

For control cabinet installation (TS35 rail according to EN 60715)
Electrical safety: EN61010-1 / -2-201, EN62368-1, EN60204-1
EMV: EN55032, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-3
Wide range input 115VAC/230VAC
Programmable laboratory power supply
Multifunctional analog interface

For control cabinet installation (TS35 rail according to EN 60715)
Electrical safety: EN61010-1 / -2-201, EN62368-1, EN60204-1
EMV: EN55032, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-3
Wide range input 115VAC/230VAC
Programmable laboratory power supply
Multifunctional analog interface

30 Watt
Ultra-Low Standby Power 60mW
High efficiency
Worldwide applicable, AC/DC wide range input 100–240V
Reduced Inrush current
Electrical safety acc. to EN61558-2-16, EN60335; EN61204-7
EMC acc. to EN61204-3, EN55011 class B, EN61000-6-2
Protection class 2 (no protective earth)
Wide working temperature range (-25…+85°C)

18 Watt
Safety acc. to EN61204-7, EN60335
EMC acc. to EN61204-3, EN55011 class B, EN61000-6-2
Protection class 2 (no protective earth)
Smallest design (ø 53 mm)
Worldwide applicable, AC/DC wide range input
Wide working temperature range (-25…+70°C)
Reduced Inrush current
Connect more devices to one automatic circuit breaker

12 Watt
Safety acc. to EN61204-7, EN60335
EMC acc. to EN61204-3, EN55011 class B, EN61000-6-2
Protection class 2 (no protective earth)
Smallest design (ø 53 mm)
Worldwide applicable, AC/DC wide range input
Wide working temperature range (-25…+70°C)
Reduced Inrush current
Connect more devices to one automatic circuit breaker

70 Watt
Wide range input
Extensive Protection
(e.g. short circuit / no-load / overvoltage protected)
CEC and Energy Star Level VI compliant
EN61000-6-1 and EN61000-6-3 compliant
Safety class I
Isolation voltage 4 kV
High efficiency

15 Watt
Wide range input
Extensive Protection
(e.g. short circuit / no-load / overvoltage protected)
DOE Level VI and CoC Tier 2
EN 55022 group I class B
Safety class II
Isolation voltage 3 kV
Option: Mains Plug Versions USA, AUS, UK

High level of user-friendliness thanks to commissioning wizard
Choice of 21 languages
Smart and safe charging or supplying up to 120A
Suitable for lead-acid, gel, AGM, fleece and lithium-ion batteries
Clear selection menu for various charging programs
For industrial manufacturing use on the production line …

High level of user-friendliness thanks to commissioning wizard
Choice of 21 languages
Smart and safe charging or supplying up to 150A
Suitable for lead-acid, gel, AGM, fleece and lithium-ion batteries
Clear selection menu for various charging programs
For industrial manufacturing use on the production line …

Designed for Pb and LiFePO4 batteries
Adaptive and dynamic charge algorithm and monitoring algorithm
Optimised usability
Extensive protection and self-protection functions

100% on board safety, protection of
on-board electronical system / airbag
Suitable for lead acid, gel, AGM, fleece and lithium-ion batteries
Use as battery charger and power supply
Extensive protection functions and self-protection functions
Short circuit and reverse polarity protection
Protection against defective batteries

Use as battery charger, power supply and motor vehicles energy supply in buffer mode (support during diagnosis / flash programming)
Suitable for lead acid, gel, AGM, fleece and lithium-ion batteries
Extensive protection functions and self-protection functions
Short circuit and reverse polarity protection
Electrical safety: EN61010-1, EN60335-1, EN60335-2-29
Certifications: UL60950-1, CSA C22.2 No.60950-1-07
Utilized and approved by well known automotive manufacturers

Use as battery charger, power supply and motor vehicles energy supply in buffer mode (support during diagnosis / flash programming)
Suitable for lead acid, gel, AGM, fleece and lithium-ion batteries
Extensive protection functions and self-protection functions
Short circuit and reverse polarity protection
Electrical safety: EN61010-1, EN60335-1, EN60335-2-29
Certifications: UL60950-1, CSA C22.2 No.60950-1-07
Utilized and approved by well known automotive manufacturers

Use as battery charger, power supply and motor vehicles energy supply in buffer mode (support during diagnosis / flash programming)
Suitable for lead acid, gel, AGM, fleece and lithium-ion batteries
Extensive protection functions and self-protection functions
Short circuit and reverse polarity protection
Electrical safety – certifications: EN60335, EN61010, UL1236
Utilized and approved by well known automotive manufacturers

No inrush current – optimized for use within industrial manufacturing lines
100% qualified for motor vehicles on-board electronic system / airbag
Use as battery charger, power supply and motor vehicles energy supply in buffer mode (support during diagnosis / flash programming)
Electrical safety – certifications: EN60335-1, EN60335-2-29, EN61010, EN62233, UL1236

Bình luận


0934 015 234
Mã số : 17750917
Địa điểm : Toàn quốc
Hình thức : Cần bán
Tình trạng : Hàng mới
Hết hạn : 01/02/2025
Loại tin :


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