Hỏi về Giao tiếp máy tính với PLC và VXL qua cổng Com bằng Visual Basic 6.0 ?

Tôi thử viết chương trình giao tiếp máy tính với VXL và PLC qua cổng Com bằng Visual Basic 6.0 nhưng chưa có dịp kiểm nghiệm lại. Ai biết giúp mình với
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Mình Post Source lên để các bạn tham khảo nha! Option Explicit Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long Dim DatanhanText As String Private Sub MnuHuongDan_Click() Datanhan.Text = "Ñaây laø chöông trình xuaát nhaäp Port Serial ñeå truyeàn döõ lieäu xuoáng Vi Xöû Lí hoaëc PLC.Tröôùc tieân caùc baïn choïn Port caàn truyeàn vaø nhaän (Ví duï nhö coång COM1, COM2, ...). Sau ñoù choïn caùc thoâng soá truyeàn nhaän (Toác ñoä Baud, Soá Bits döõ lieäu, Soá bit Stop, Bit kieåm tra loãi Parity, Thôøi gian thöïc hieän). Roài Click vaøo môû Port. Cuoái cuøng laø nhaäp döõ lieäu caàn truyeàn roài Enter ñeå truyeàn. Chuùc caùc baïn thaønh coâng!" End Sub Private Sub MnuKiemTra_Click() Datanhan.Text = "Baïn muoán kieåm tra xem döõ lieäu coù xuaát ra vaø nhaän vaøo ñöôïc hay khoâng thì khi truyeàn haõy noái taét hai chaân TxD vaø RxD cuûa coång COM. Neáu döõ lieäu nhaän vaøo gioáng nhö döõ lieäu xuaát ra thì xem nhö chöông trình ñaõ truyeàn nhaän toát. Ngoaøi ra chöông trình coøn cho pheùp keát noái 2 maùy tính vôùi nhau. " End Sub Private Sub MnuLienHe_Click() Datanhan.Text = "Caùc baïn coù vaán ñeà gì xin lieân laïc vôùi mình qua Email: thachbangtam@yahoo.com hoaëc hoangquocthanh@yahoo.com. HandPhone: 0918473304 (Thanh). Raát mong söï ñoùng goùp yù kieán cuûa caùc baïn! Hoaøng Quoác Thanh" End Sub Private Sub Nutxoa_Click() Datanhan.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub DongPort_Click() If MSComm1.PortOpen Then MSComm1.PortOpen = False DongPort.Enabled = False MoPort.Enabled = True Chonlua (True) End If End Sub Private Sub Chonlua(state As Boolean) ChonPort.Enabled = state ChonBaud.Enabled = state ChonsobitData.Enabled = state ChonsobitStop.Enabled = state ChonParity.Enabled = state timeOutBox.Enabled = state End Sub Private Sub Chuoi_KeyPress(EnterAscii As Integer) Dim rstr As String If EnterAscii = 13 Then EnterAscii = 0 rstr = Truyen(Chuoi.Text) If rstr = "" Then Beep Tinhieuphanhoi ("(Khoâng coù döõ lieäu nhaän vaøo)") Else Tinhieuphanhoi (rstr) End If End If End Sub Private Sub Nutthoat_Click() Call DongPort_Click End End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ChonPort.ListIndex = 0 ChonBaud.ListIndex = 1 ChonsobitData.ListIndex = 1 ChonsobitStop.ListIndex = 0 ChonParity.ListIndex = 0 DongPort.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub MoPort_Click() Dim Dataxuatformat As String If MSComm1.PortOpen = True Then Exit Sub Dataxuatformat = ChonBaud.List(ChonBaud.ListIndex) + "," _ + Mid(ChonParity.List(ChonParity.ListIndex), 1, 1) + "," _ + ChonsobitData.List(ChonsobitData.ListIndex) + "," _ + ChonsobitStop.List(ChonsobitStop.ListIndex) MSComm1.Settings = Dataxuatformat MSComm1.CommPort = ChonPort.ListIndex + 1 MSComm1.PortOpen = True Tinhieuphanhoi ("COM" + Str(MSComm1.CommPort) + _ " ñöôïc môû vôùi thoâng soá sau: " + MSComm1.Settings) MoPort.Enabled = False DongPort.Enabled = True Chonlua (False) End Sub Private Sub Tinhieuphanhoi(s As String) Datanhan.Text = Datanhan.Text + s + Chr(13) + Chr(10) End Sub Public Function Truyen(cmd As String) Dim Thoigiantruyennhan As Long Thoigiantruyennhan = Str(timeOutBox.Text) If (Thoigiantruyennhan <= 0) Then Thoigiantruyennhan = 1000 Call MoPort_Click If Mid(cmd, 1, 1) <> "@" Then MSComm1.Output = Chr(5) If getCtrlE() = False Then DatanhanText = "" Exit Function End If End If MSComm1.Output = cmd + Chr(13) Call getResponse Truyen = DatanhanText End Function Public Function appendFCS(ID As Integer, cmd As String) Dim IDString As String Dim FCSString As String IDString = Hex(ID) If Len(IDString) = 1 Then IDString = "0" + IDString cmd = "@" + IDString + cmd FCSString = Hex(computeFCS(cmd)) If Len(FCSString) = 1 Then FCSString = "0" + FCSString cmd = cmd + FCSString + "*" appendFCS = cmd End Function Public Function computeFCS(cmd As String) Dim result As Integer Dim length As Integer Dim I As Integer length = Len(cmd) result = Asc(Mid(cmd, 1, 1)) For I = 2 To length result = result Xor Asc(Mid(cmd, I, 1)) Next computeFCS = result End Function Private Function getCtrlE() Dim inbuff As String Dim pcount As Long Dim ccount As Long Dim duration As Long duration = Str(timeOutBox.Text) If (duration <= 0) Then duration = 1000 pcount = GetTickCount() Do While True inbuff = MSComm1.Input If inbuff = Chr(5) Then getCtrlE = True Exit Function End If ccount = GetTickCount() If ccount >= pcount + duration Then Exit Do ' timeout and still did not get complete string Loop getCtrlE = False End Function Private Sub getResponse() Static responseBuffer As String Dim inbuff As String Dim length As Integer Dim pcount As Long Dim ccount As Long Dim duration As Long duration = Str(timeOutBox.Text) If (duration <= 0) Then duration = 500 pcount = GetTickCount() Do While True inbuff = MSComm1.Input If Len(inbuff) > 0 Then responseBuffer = responseBuffer + inbuff length = Len(responseBuffer) If Mid(responseBuffer, length, 1) = Chr(13) Then DatanhanText = Mid(responseBuffer, 1, length - 1) responseBuffer = "" Exit Sub Else End If End If ccount = GetTickCount() If ccount >= pcount + duration Then Exit Do Loop DatanhanText = "" End Sub Private Sub Timer_Timer() TextTimer.Text = Format(Now, "Long Date") & " " & Format(Now, "Long Time") End Sub