Cách ra đề thi chứng chỉ AV B của trường đại học Khoa học tự nhiên TP.HCM ?

Mình đang cần gấp chứng chỉ B AV nên đăng ký thi ở ĐHKHTN nhưng không biết cách ra  đề như thế nào. Bạn nào biết chỉ cho mình với.

Hoang Thi Lan
Hoang Thi Lan
Trả lời 12 năm trước

Thi thì tuỳ thuộc khả năng của bạn thôi
Mình nhớ k0 lầm thì có nghe, đọc-hiểu, viết
Bạn đã làm thử bài thi B nào chưa? Nếu thấy k0 có j khó khăn thì ...an tâm thôi

nguyễn quang vinh
nguyễn quang vinh
Trả lời 12 năm trước

mình chỉ lo topic nói để chuẩn bị thôi chứ các phần khác mình không lo

Trả lời 8 năm trước
1.Why do some people dislike belonging to clubs or societies ? Do you or your friends belong to any clubs ? Which ones ? Why did you decide to join a club ? 2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling in an organized group and traveling alone ? 3.Do you think pop singers and film stars have a duty to act as responsible role models for the young people who pay to listen to their music and see their films ? 4.How often did / do you have to take exams ? How did / do feel about exams ? Did / do you enjoy them / hate them / get nervous about them ? 5.Some people like to participate in sports. Other prefer to observe them. What sport do you prefer to participate in or to observe ? Give some reasons why you like this sport. 6.If you could afford to go on a holiday, where would you go ? 7.What’s your favorite day of the year ? 8.What day of the week do you hate most ? Why ? 9.What do you think are the best and worst things about city / country life ? 10.Are you pleased with the place you live ? Why (not) ? 11.What are some things that really bother you ? What should be done about them ? 12.What advice would you give to tourists planning to visit your country or city ? 13.Which size family do you think is reasonable ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of large / small families ? 14.How would you describe yourself ? What is your own set of values ? 15.The biggest mistake i have ever made. 16.What is the best thing that has happened to you in the last month ? 17.If you could afford to buy a house what factors would you consider ? 18.Do you read newspapers ? What kinds of news are you interested in ? What do you think is the most important event in the world now ? 19.What are you afraid of when you think of the future ? 20.What is the one factor that seems to threaten the survival of nearly all endangered or threatened species ? What do you think could be done to improve this situation ? 21.Do you think that a poor man can make himself happy ? 22.Do you have bad habits ? Talk about how you once broke a bad habit of yours. 23.Why is life often difficult for old people ? p/s: ai biet xin chi dum. minh tks